Grey Goose vs. Belvedere - Who Wins the Wodka War?
Posted by
on Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Belvedere Vodka,
Grey Goose Vodka,
Things I've Written
Is it wrong that I think that the four bottles of Grey Goose above this text look better than four Megan Fox's bent over the hood of four fucktastic cars? Well, if you agree with me, then perhaps you share my dilemma of premium liquor brand loyalty.
You see, if I'm going to spend a ridiculous wad of cash on what basically amounts to a glorified bottle of rubbing alcohol, I want to stick to a brand that makes me feel better about myself when I wake up in a premium brand gutter.
Yes, this is my most douchetastic post ever.
In the past, if I ever splurged on a premium bottle of booze, it was most likely Grey Goose, but I feel like there's more out there in the world of rapper friendly uber-expensive vodkas, and that I've been sheltered by the all encompassing embrace of Madison Avenue ad geniuses. You mad men!
So, should I try Belvedere? Maybe.
Does anyone give a fuck? No.
Am I drunk right now while I write? Yes.
But did you notice how I properly differentiated between "right" and "write"? Right on!
Fuck off.
Anyways, Luda seems to like it, so why not?
Deciding what premium booze one should buy is an important moment in a young man's life, especially when moments like these are reserved for occasions like "IT'S THE LAST FRIDAY OF JULY!!!" or "WEDNESDAY MORNING SUCKS BUT IT'S SUNNY!".
So help me decide, cause if you don't I'm switching to Pabst Blue Ribbon and we know only Wisconsinites and hipsters who've transplanted themselves in Brooklyn drink that shit.
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